Towards what world, under what reign and to which judge are we promised?
At what age, on what page and in which box are we registered?
The same questions we ask ourselves
We leave towards where and towards whom
And as clue not much
Roses and nettles
The painted hands, the joined hands, we bend and we thank
We implore, we worry and it’s too late when we understood
Despite all what we dare
And which sometimes succeeds
We will not leave much
Just roses and nettles
We are heavy
Trembling like candles’flames
We hesitate at each crossroad
In the speeches we ‘ve learned
But since we are heavy
Heavy of love and poetry
Here is the emergency exit
We get closer, we speak again, we forgive ourselves and we rebuilt
The only world which is worth will have all that gathers us
And all that tears us apart
We shall rise out of it better
And if we leave few things
There will be more roses than nettles
We are heavy
Trembling like candles’flames
We hesitate at each crossroad
In the speeches we ‘ve learned
But since we are heavy
Heavy of love and poetry
Here is the emergency exit